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Where does psoriasis affect us?

Where does psoriasis affect us?

Psoriasis does not have any specific place that it manifests on the body. There are multiple types of psoriasis which each will show on different parts of the body for example arthritic psoriasis will show on the joints of the patient.

Psoriasis does not have any specific place that it manifests on the body. There are multiple types of psoriasis which each will show on different parts of the body for example arthritic psoriasis will show on the joints of the patient. 

The most commonly noticed and misunderstood psoriasis is scalp psoriasis as it is often misunderstood as dandruff due to its shared symptoms such as itchiness and flaking which often leads to delayed identification of the disease so a quick tip from our side would be to meet a specialized doctor for your flaking so that any precautions needed can be taken at the early stages and the situation can be controlled before it worsens. 

Although psoriasis may occur anywhere, it is mostly seen on the scalp,neck,around the ear, arm folds, elbows, knees, nails, palms, soles of feet etc.Injury or irritation of normal skin tends to induce lesions of  at the site of discomfort.

P.s If you are facing any symptoms or have doubts of whether you could be a victim of psoriasis do reach out to us at the earliest and have a consultation either online or in person with our specialist Dr. Ansy D’souza here at KSAC HOSPITALS.

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