Dr. Ansy D’Souza is a Senior Physician at the Dr. Saji D’Souza’s KSAC Hospital. She received an M.B.B.S degree before getting a Diploma in Family Medicine (London).
She has deep interest in Allopathy and Ayurveda and the scope of her specialties include various health ailments. She developed profound interest in Ayurveda, for treating various diseases which could only be treated through surgery or could not be treated altogether in Allopathy and devised various Ayurvedic treatments for such diseases.
She is a specialist in Anorectal problems like Piles, Fissures, Fistula and is an authority in treating them in the non-surgical way with Ayurveda. She developed her specialty in this field for women as she felt that women suffering from anorectal problems are usually shy to consult male doctors, thereby aggravating the problems. She is also an expert in treating Sinusitis, Migraine and All Skin Problems through Ayurveda.