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An Overview of India’s Best Ayurvedic Hospital

An Overview of India’s Best Ayurvedic Hospital

You can get an overview of India’s best ayurvedic hospital by visiting KSAC Hospitals where the doctors provide compassionate care with high-quality therapies. Ayurveda “The science of life” is the ancient system of medicine with historic roots in India.

Ayurveda – The Ancient Indian Medical System

You can get an overview of India’s best ayurvedic hospital by visiting KSAC Hospitals where the doctors provide compassionate care with high-quality therapies. Ayurveda “The science of life” is the ancient system of medicine with historic roots in India.



Ayurveda – The Ancient Indian Medical System

You can get an overview of India’s best ayurvedic hospital by visiting KSAC Hospitals where the doctors provide compassionate care with high-quality therapies. Ayurveda “The science of life” is the ancient system of medicine with historic roots in India. Rather than treating patients symptomatically, Ayurveda believes in treating patients as a whole. The focus of Ayurveda is to promote optimum health and to eliminate diseases from the root cause.

How treatment is done in Ayurveda – Overview

The treatment in Ayurveda has two components – Preventative and Curative.

“Swasthasya Swasthya Samrakshanam” is a Sanskrit verse that illustrates the principle of preventive medicine

 This preventive care is mentioned in Swasthavritha that includes personal hygiene, daily/seasonal regimen, appropriate social behavior, Rasayana sevana (use of rejuvenating drugs/procedures.) Yoga and meditation is also a quintessential part of Swasthavritha or preventive medicine.

 “Athurasya vikara prashamanam” The Curative treatment consists of Drugs (Oushadam), Kriyakrama, Aaharam (diets), Vyayamam, and Viharam (physical exercises).

With the passage of time, the ayurvedic system became one of the prominent medical systems of the Indian subcontinent.

The traditional system of Ayurvedic medicine still holds great relevance today for the people in the Indian subcontinent. Some states in India such as south Indian states are the first state in the country that separates the traditional systems of medicine into Ayurveda, Unani, and Yoga & Naturopathy respectively.

From being the science of life, Ayurveda has become the most sought-after Indian medicine system for many with the advent of the growth of rejuvenation centers and Ayurvedic resorts in the country.

How KSAC Hospitals provides ayurvedic treatment:

The vision of KSAC hospital is to enable the unable through authentic Ayurveda and make Ayurveda the first choice of medical care. We believe in providing compassionate care with the highest quality of  panchakarma therapies and medications that are free of any side effects

India’s best ayurvedic  hospital: Services offered at KSAC hospital

At KSAC hospitals the following services are offered

  • Kaya chikitsa (General medicine)
  • Shalya chiktsa (surgery)
  • Shalakya chikitsa (ENT)
  • Prasoothi tantra (gynecology & obstetrics)
  • Kuamara bhrithya (peadiatrics)
  • Graha chikitsa (psychiatry)
  • Visha chikitsa (toxicology)
  • Rasayana chikitsa (rejuvenation).

Classical Panchakarma procedures are followed by the therapists trained in keraliya panchakarma therapies.

There are efficient ayurvedic physicians providing the ayurvedic treatment methods or procedures at KSAC hospital the best ayurvedic hospital. Various medical conditions including rheumatism,  spine problems including cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, arthritis, paralysis, gout, respiratory problems such as asthma,  sinusitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, various lifestyle disorders including obesity, hormonal imbalances such as thyroid dysfunction, PCOD, infertility, Piles, fistula, fissure, skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, hair fall, insomnia, etc are effectively managed at KSAC hospitals.

With the scare of pandemics Such as COVID – 19, Ayurveda can be an excellent way to improve immunity.

The unique treatment method of Ayurveda minimizes the stress of the mind and helps the patient in working better on his or her physical and mental health thereby striking a balance between the body and soul.  Ayurveda in India majorly focuses on the inner strength of the body without causing any side effects that usually manifest in patients taking allopathic medicines or treatment. Ayurveda not only helps in curing the disease but also helps to regain strength and vitality and improves the quality of life.

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